Monday, October 28, 2019

Patient confidentiality Essay Example for Free

Patient confidentiality Essay As a member of the health care team, one has to be equipped with not only the skills and the knowledge regarding one’s area of specialty, but most importantly on how to deal with the patients and their family members. There have been several studies that showed how substantial the impact of health care staff interaction is with the patient and the family members on the patient’s recovery and in the overall outcome of the patient’s health. In dealing with situations wherein the family member of the patient is speaking quite loudly and demanding answers, one can address the situation by answering the questions of the family member, but first to tell her to calm down and after which you will be able to understand and answer the questions. In addition to that, you can also remind her that the safety and prompt administration of care to her daughter is the priority, so to be able to get there, the x-rays have to be taken as soon as possible. Also, tell her, in the most respectful way, that the other patients are bothered by her and this will cause anxiety, not only to the other patients but to her daughter as well, so if she can still take a hold of herself and compose herself so the x-ray can take place. As a technician, it is also one’s duty to explain the method and the rationale behind the x-ray procedure to alleviate the sixteen-year-old’s anxiety. Also, it would be helpful if you will tell her that routine x-ray is needed by some people with certain disorders and as a requirement by employers in some institutions and that it does not cause illnesses for those who have their x-rays taken routinely, at most twice a year. Tell her that this procedure has helped diagnose what is wrong with people who have their bones injured and that this will help visualize what has gone wrong in her body.

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